Soobr: The perfect smart cleaning solution for the healthcare sector

November 17, 2023

At the latest since the start of the Corona pandemic, the urgency of having sufficient nursing beds available in hospitals for patients has also become an issue in this country. It is becoming increasingly important that a hospital bed is available again as quickly as possible, also for economic reasons that should not be underestimated. But before a room can be reoccupied with a bed, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned. With Soobr, you keep control and an overview of all regular and short-term cleaning tasks in the facility.

Soobr is a multi-award winning product, a smart clearing tool based on data analysis using artificial intelligence. "Customers in the building services sector save costs, time and effort with our SaaS solution. They also benefit from greater transparency while contributing to sustainable development," says Soobr CEO Kaspar Adank.

Whatcan Soobr do?

A hospital operation never runs according to rigid patterns: the consultation hour takes longer than planned, rounds have been postponed, the patient hasn't checked out yet, the surgery takes longer. There are many imponderables that cannot be calculated. Thanks to Soobr, knowing where and when to clean has never been easier. Soobr coordinates the procedures and processes needed for cleaning and schedules perfect, the ideal app: if a patient spills a coffee, there's no need to call over several people for a cleaner to clean up the mishap. With Soobr, the process is automated - the cleaner is notified directly and is shown where which activity needs to be done, freeing up more time for patient care.