Bruker Switzerland AG & Soobr

Interview with Jasmin Eberle, Facility Manager

Bruker Switzerland AG is rolling out Soobr for on-demand cleaning to its 16 buildings at its Zurich site. The Smart Cleaning platform is used for planning, execution and control of cleaning tours. We were able to speak with Jasmin Eberle, Project Manager Facility Management, about her experience with Soobr.

What challenges did you face in facility management?

Cleaning is both an organizationally difficult and an emotional issue. For one thing, not all of our surfaces are used with the same frequency, nor do they all have the same cleanliness requirements. For another, everyone has a different understanding of what is clean and what is not.

How have you been able to overcome these challenges?

Soobr helps us to create the necessary transparency so that consistent quality can be provided. Priorities are controlled by the system and no tasks are forgotten.

Why did you choose Soobr?

We evaluated various systems. It was important to us that the system is easy to use for the administrator and cleaning staff and is available in several languages.

How has our product made your everyday life easier?

We have equipped many rooms with sensors, which helps us to deploy our cleaning staff efficiently and in a targeted manner. As a customer, we have better transparency as to when what is being cleaned.

What do you have to consider for a pilot project or a rollout and what are your mid- to long-term goals with Soobr?

Rollout is the last and almost "smallest" step in the whole process. We clean with an external provider, so in principle it would make sense and be desirable if the cleaning service provider were to introduce the system. I see advantages in the simplified setup, planning and implementation of the system.
Apart from that, good tour planning can only come about if all parties involved (Soobr, owner and our cleaning provider) work very closely together. Our ultimate goal is to serve our (internal) customers with consistent cleaning quality.

Jasmin Eberle, Project Manager Facility Management at Bruker BioSpin