Enzler Reinigungen AG uses demand-oriented cleaning with Soobr at its customer DSM Nutritional Products in Kaiseraugst. The Soobr smart cleaning platform is used for planning and executing cleaning tours.
We were able to talk to Peter Helbling, Managing Director at Enzler Reinigungen AG, about his experiences with Soobr.
Cost pressure in the cleaning industry remains high. In the last 20 years, wages have risen 2.5 times more than the cleaning prices for the customer. In the pandemic, the need for more flexible service models has also grown. As a company, we need to address these challenges and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our service delivery. Therefore, topics such as robotics, sensor technology and digitalisation are important issues for us.
We see the challenge above all in the recruitment of our employees. The modern cleaning organisation with robotics, digitalisation, hygiene concepts and sustainability issues places higher demands on the qualifications of the employees. We have to present our industry even better and make the work in cleaning attractive.
We want to be the leading provider of high-quality services in the field of hygiene and cleaning. To achieve this, we focus on investment in training, know-how and sustainability.
The solution approach of soobr in the area of digital cleaning planning is unique for us. We also have trust in the company and its employees.
Until now, the allocation of contractually agreed services to employees was static. Soobr calculates the best service allocation and ensures that all defined work is carried out and documented.
In addition to a competitive price/performance offer, CBRE expects quality, flexibility, reliability and constant innovation from us.
Soobr brings better plannability to the object organisation. Substitutes can be organised at the touch of a button. The cleaning quality in the facility remains constant.
Surprisingly well. Our employees operate the tablets very confidently and get the required information precisely from the software.
An internal project team, adapted to the size of the object, must plan the implementation carefully and prepare and train the staff well. The staff must know the purpose of the tablets.