JSD & Soobr

Interview with Richard Birrer, Head of Facility Management

The JSD (Justice and Security Department of the Canton of Basel-Stadt) benefits from demand-oriented cleaning with Soobr and is pleased with a rollout across several locations in Basel. Soobr's Smart Cleaning platform is used for both in-house and external cleaning. We were able to talk to Richard Birrer, Head of Facility Management, about his experiences with Soobr.

What challenges did you face in facility management?

Our entire cleaning concept was completely revised and relaunched. This meant major and essential changes with regard to the working methods and deployment of the cleaning staff.

Why did you choose Soobr?

Previously, we used fixed work plans on paper. The new concept required more flexibility and more planning effort, which could not have been managed with the existing resources and manual tools. The use of Soobr supports us in the planning and execution of activities in the best possible way.

How has our product made your everyday life easier?

In addition to more efficient planning, the daily work of the cleaning staff is significantly supported and improved by the use of the tablets. The advantages of Soobr also come into play when there are staff changes.

How is the acceptance of the cleaners?

The acceptance among the cleaning staff is great and the use of the tablets is no problem. I primarily attribute this to the easy usability and intuitive design.

What do you have to consider for a pilot project or a rollout and what are your mid- to long-term goals with Soobr?

Targeted training of the employees in advance and close support during the first days of using Soobr have proven to be extremely helpful. Immediately, clear advantages in the execution of work are already noticeable. Building on this, we are pursuing the goal of being able to establish demand-oriented and thus cost-optimised cleaning for the benefit of our customers.

To what extent has the issue of data protection affected you?

The issue of data protection was quickly resolved. We use Soobr for planning and as a tool for carrying out work and it is congruent with existing specifications. We also benefit from the fact that Soobr is a completely self-sufficient system that does not need any access to the company network.

We thank Richard Birrer for the answers and wish him and the whole JSD team continued success with Soobr.
Richard Birrer, Head of Facility Management Justice and Security Department Canton Basel-Stadt